Banknote Dealer, Banknote Collectors

When does a banknote collector become a dealer? Banknote dealers enter this business in different ways. Some banknote dealers are family businesses, but most are individuals who sell money to make money. Most seem to start on ebay and this is how I began selling and dealing in banknotes. I bought British banknotes to build up my own collection but when I found there was a surplus of bank notes I began to sell on ebay (still do as faffa2793) but the 10% selling fee led me to seek advice on developing my own website and last year it went live and is doing well. I suppose I am a banknote dealer but still a ‘small fry’ in comparison with the long-established dealers. However, the website has allowed me to reduce prices to a very competitive level. I welcome any new buyers and and happy to offer advice on collections and any queries. I still remain a collector but being a dealer adds another dimension.It is a great interest and one that seems to have an increasing appeal. Banknote buying and dealing is a fantastic hobby and business. Hope you like my offers.b332