British Banknotes Have My Vote!! No North Korean Landslides.

When it comes to voting at this General Election there is one thing we can all celebrate. We are free to vote. There is no coercion to vote for one Party. Unlike North Korea or other Dictatorships where the leader recevies 99% of the putative ‘free’ vote we can choose who to vote for or… Read more »

British Banknotes and Gambling on the General Election

The Conservatives  have scored an ‘own goal’ with the gambling on the date of the election in July. Inside Information has led to people being greedy in my opinion, looking for a fast buck. Hubris brings nemesis as they have found out. You don’t need any inside information about the banknotes listed for sale. Although… Read more »

British Banknotes, the Sparrowhawk and Muntjac Deer

This morning I saw an ‘explosion’ of feathers at teh top of the garden near the soft fruit. A pigeon was attacked by a sparrowhawk and the feathers went everywhere and the pigeon fell to earth. The sparrowhawk set about making a meal and them flow off with the pigeon helpless in its claws. It… Read more »

British Banknotes – Any Ten Bob Notes Under the Bed?

I am always pleased to give advice on British banknotes that may be part of probate, or found under the bed or floorboards. It is nver a problem and I shall always do my best to give fair and good advice. Regular visitors to the site will notice that there are fewer notes listed than… Read more »

Bid on Banknotes at London Coins

This weekend, a very large part of my collection goes under the hammer at London Coins Auction. Have a look at the catalogue on line and nearly all the English notes and a good % of the Scottish notes are mine. Many have low estimates so have a peek and you will be able to… Read more »

Rishi Sunak, Homeless People, British Banknotes and Auctions

I see that some politicians believe being homelss is a ‘lifestyle choice’. Outide all the major stores in my area and in town, the number of people begging and sleeping rough is a shame on our government. I speak to many of them and have found ex BBC script writers, teachers, ex-military, many whose relationships… Read more »

London Coins Auction in June – Buy! Buy! Buy!

Most of my banknote collection is being offered for sale at London Coins Auction in June and September. The estimates for the sale are set very low so there will be some bargain buys for sure. Have a look at the catalogue which is on-line and browse through the notes on offer. There really are… Read more »