Scottish Banknotes and Paper Money of Scotland (2018)

Recently, I attended the East Midland IBNS Chapter Meeting. Besides sharing information, news, and seeing other banknote areas of interest I was pleased to buy the Two Volume edition of ‘Paper Money of Scotland’.(2018) What a wonderful guide to Scottish banknotes and banking history. Not only is there a fantastic guide to pricing of modern notes but the information and price guide to the ‘Lost’ (Defunct) Banks is so detailed. The brief and well-researched history of Scots banking is so informative.For anyone with an interest in Scottish banknotes and banking history, this will be £50 well spent. It is worth every penny!! The price guide is essential for anyone wanting to buy Scottish bank notes. Na bi dail. Ceannich an-drasta e!  Alba gu brath. St Johnstone gu brath cuideachd.